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  Using an “all-over” compositional strategy reminiscent of the early Abstract Expressionists, Seoul-based abstract artist Darae Jeon uses luminous, cool colors and whimsical, calligraphic lines to build buoyant, light filled paintings in communicating hope which is indispensable for our living.

Inspired by musical traditions such as jazz, tango, classic, and world music, Jeon has developed an effervescent visual language capable of conveying positive energy and emotion. Color expresses the melody, and line expresses the rhythm. Jeon believes that using various materials such as acrylic, gouache, textile paint, oil pastel, and gel stone in painting is like musical instruments forming an orchestra. Airy looking and even childlike at first, her paintings are layered and complex upon closer inspection, with painterly surfaces and compositions that evoke a sense of balance and visual harmony.

Glimpses of the natural world come and go within the abstract markings and luminous color fields, inspiring fleeting feelings of levity. Jeon emphasizes that art should have hope and hopes viewers will look for comfort while looking at and open themselves up to the feelings the works inspire.


Jeon is a graduate of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Her work has been exhibited extensively in Seoul.

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